AC WORKS® Library — Video
How Do Our Piggy-Back Adapters Work?
Posted by Christopher Hahn on
Recently, we brought in a new line of innovative adapters: piggy-back adapters. These new adapters offer multiple power solutions for your 1450 outlet and even travel trailer outlets. Let's start with our 1450 class of piggy-back adapters. The male plug end is a NEMA 14-50, most often used with RV campgrounds, high-powered generators, and electric cooking ranges. On the backside of the plug, is a 14-50 outlet with a cover. We offer a variety of connections for the female connector end of these flexible adapters. Be on the lookout for more innovative AC WORKS adapters such as these in the...
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- Tags: 14-50, 2020, 30 Amp, 30 Amp RV, 50 Amp, AC Works, AC Works brand, AC WORKS video, AC WORKS Wisdom, AC WORKS Wisdom Series, Customer Service, Emergency Power Generator, Generator, Generator Power, generator power solutions, Household Power, instructional video, Power, Power Solutions, Range Outlet, Receptacle, Residential, Residential Power, Residential Use, RV, Subscribe to YouTube, Technical, TT-30, Video, Video Series, YouTube, YouTube Channel, YouTube Video, YouTube Videos
Welcome to the WRAP UP Newsletter by AC WORKS®
Posted by Stephanie Junek on
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- Tags: #askacworks, AC Connectors, ac works, AC WORKS Newsletter, AC WORKS the WRAP UP, AC WORKS video, Behind the Scenes, Employee Recommendations, Events, Featured Products, Frequent Features, Important News, Industry News, New Products, newsletter by AC WORKS, the newsletter, the WRAP UP, Tips from Tony, Trade Shows, Video, WRAP UP
What Are The Differences Between Surge Protectors And Circuit Breakers?
Posted by Christopher Hahn on
There can be a wide variety of protective technology built into an electrical appliance, but the two most common are surge protectors and circuit breakers. So what is the difference between the two? Surge protectors protect your electrical appliances from voltage spikes. A voltage spike is when a cord or appliance exceeds the voltage it is rated for, resulting in permanent damage to your appliance. The most common places you will see these installed are power strips like our PSROT-072. Usually, you will have computers, TVs, entertainment systems, and office equipment plugged into one of these. The most common cause...
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- Tags: AC Works, AC Works brand, AC WORKS video, AC WORKS Wisdom, AC WORKS Wisdom Series, Circuit Breaker, Customer Service, Electrical Safety, Household Power, instructional video, Power, Power Solutions, Products, Residential, Residential Power, Residential Use, Safety, Safety Tips, Subscribe to YouTube, Surge Protector, Video, Video Series, YouTube, YouTube Channel, YouTube Video, YouTube Videos
New Solutions For Emergency Power
Posted by Christopher Hahn on
With summer starting to heat up, it is time to now focus on heavy rains, tornadoes, tropical storms, and hurricanes. Every year, we like to review with you the best way to be prepared. Since we have added quite a few new products to our lineup, we are going to go over what you can use to keep the power on during tough situations. Watch this video to see all of the new products we have brought in since last Spring and Summer. There are still many more emergency power solutions we provide. If you can’t find the one you...
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- Tags: 2020, AC Connectors, AC Works, AC Works brand, AC WORKS video, Back Up Power, Customer Service, Emergency Backup Plan, Emergency Power, Generator, Generator Power, Household Power, instructional video, PDU, Power Solutions, Residential, Residential Power, Residential Use, Subscribe to YouTube, temporary power, Video, Video Series, YouTube, YouTube Channel, YouTube Video, YouTube Videos
The Differences Between L530 and L1430 Inlets
Posted by Christopher Hahn on
The summertime can be nice and warm out, but can also present dangerous hazards like severe weather. So as you de-winterize your home, double check your emergency power systems, or are thinking of getting a new system installed, there are some important things to remember. The most common outlets on portable generators tend to be NEMA L5-30 and NEMA L14-30, so you want to be sure you have the correct inlets and cords to go with them. Depending on the max wattage output of your generator, you will be able to supply up to 3750 watts with an L530 outlet...
- Tags: 2020, AC Works, AC Works brand, AC WORKS video, AC WORKS Wisdom, Customer Service, Difference between L530 and L1430 Inlets, Generator, Inlet, instructional video, NEMA L14-30, NEMA L5-30, Subscribe to YouTube, Video, Video Series, YouTube, YouTube Channel, YouTube Video, YouTube Videos